P1 Arms and Bats Sweep T’heim
Sat. May 10, Lade Field, Trondheim:
By Dario
Game 1: Anders Looks Super in Pretenders' 18-3 Win
On a chilly double-header day mercifully free of snow and rain, starting pitcher Anders Tveten had a spectacular Game 1, going 6 strong innings for the complete game victory and striking out 9 NTNUI batters. He also led the Pretenders on offense from the #5 spot with four hits and 5 RBIs. 1B Erik Jansen got two clutch hits to drive in 4 runs, and CF Jean Carlos Pichardo drove in another two runs with a single and double. 2B Kaz Yamada reached base all five plate appearances from the leadoff spot, collecting 3 hits and scoring 4 times. Ever-durable catcher Terje Hoaas scored 3 runs, and LF Martinius Hars drew 3 walks and crossed the plate twice.
Anders kept the Knickers’ hitters mostly off-balance, allowing just 7 hits (.269 avg) and one walk. The P1 defense took care of 5 groundouts and 3 flyouts and allowed just two batters to reach base by error. The end result was a mercy-rule 18-3.
Game 2: Darren's Arm Prevails, Matt Finds Bat
SP Darren McKellep tossed a complete-game 6-hitter (.222 avg) and 3B Matt Connell found his power stroke to lead the offensive onslaught. In the cleanup spot, Matt did it all – going 3-for-4 (including a two-bagger), driving in 3 runs and stealing 2 bases.
LF Martinius went 3-for-3 with 3 RBIs, and 2B Anders collected yet another 3 hits. SS Kaz drew 3 walks and scored 3 times. The contest ended by mercy rule after 6 innings, 16-3.

Darren struck out 6 and walked one. The P-defense allowed 4 Knickers to reach base by error (lapses likely due to the cold and a difficult field surface) but converted 8 flyouts and 4 groundouts. Erik McKellep made two nice flyball catches in RF, the second one a sinking line drive that he snagged to save a run. On a long flyball that looked far out of reach in the LF gap, speedy Martinius made a heroic attempt at a sprinting catch but the ball glanced off his glove. Big lefty Erik J got some valuable experience in his debut day at first base, corralling 2 popups and a hard grounder and catching 6 assists.
With a 3-1 record, the Pretenders are locked in a 3-way tie for first place in the top NBL division.
Next game scheduled: Wed. May 21st, 18:00 vs Rangers at Rommen.