Ryan Hits the Bull’s Eye - and Marty’s Elbows, Back and Helmet
26 Jan 2019, NRK Studios Fornebu
Pretender standouts Martinius Hars and Ryan Goedecke took center stage on NRK prime time (8pm Saturday) on the entertainment show Alle Mot 1. But what was intended to be a fun-spirited exhibition of baseball skills and Pretender profiling soon evolved into a dangerous cautionary tale for any youth who witnessed the evening's events.

Martinius, perched precariously on a bucking mechanical bull, had the thankless task of catching Ryan’s intentionally errant throws, calculated to knock Marty off balance. Ryan appeared to tactically wait for the bull to spin Marty around facing backwards and unprotected, then drive the baseball into his back, elbows and head. Marty’s beautiful girlfriend Ida watched in horror from the live audience as Ryan sadistically pelted his helpless teammate again and again.
Twice Marty leapt from the mechanical bull to protect himself from Ryan’s beanballs.
Fortunately Martinius’ elite physical condition will allow him to bounce back by season’s start. But Ryan’s standing on the team, despite his strong performance in the Pretenders’ NM championship victory (also broadcast on NRK TV), is now in jeopardy.

A concerned Ida alerting the authorities.

The audience was shocked at Ryan’s evil expression of sadistic pleasure while repeatedly nailing Marty in the back.

Ryan enjoys taunting Marty about his bruised ribs and backbone.