The Oslo Pretenders P-Awards 2016

The P-awards 2016 were presented this past weekend at Kampen/Oslo. In total 19 awards were handed out. And the winners are......
- by Stats Minister November 28th, 2016
- MVP: Matt Connell (P1) and Alec Haralovich (P2)
- Best Batter: Alec Haralovich (P1) and Alec Haralovich (P2)
- Best Pitcher: Leif P Sandvik (P1) and Erling T. Elind (P2)
- Rookie of the Year: Alec Haralovich
- Kiai award: Alec Haralovich - for becoming the first ever to win the batting title for both P1 and P2 in the same season.
- Calvin Klein award: Martinius Hars - for showing up ready and ripped at the first practice in January. Been obviously working out the most.
- Best offensive play (P1): Matt Connell - for his bases clearing double vs NTNUI in Tr.heim. Blows game open. Huge win for the team.
- Best offensive play (P2): Mathias Dudek - for his inside the park homer vs. Royals.
- Best defensive play (P1): Ryan Goedecke - made a spectacular diving catch in the dusty infield at 2nd base on a line-drive and made an unassisted double play by running to second to end the inning. - vs Rangers June 20th
- Best defensive play (P2): Mathias Dudek - for fanning 9 batters in 5 innings of work vs. the Royals.
- Breakthrough of the year: Nate Peterson - played a great season, and stepped up big in the big games. A great leader in the outfield and brings positive energy in the dugout and throughout all games played.
- Blooper of the year: P1 the team - for losing 10-11 to Alna on Aug. 6th on a total team collaps after taking a 10-0 lead in the 5th inning.
- Most Bizarre/Phunniest play: Nate Peterson - for dropping a fly ball hungover in Bergen but the umpire called it a transfer, which it wasn't. Then threw a guy out at third for a double play.
- Bernhardsen award: Jan Erik Svendsen - Did an original Bernhardsen, by taking a ball in the mouth on Erlings pick-off attempt to 3rd.
- Urban award: Darren McKellep - for his Aztec Padres hat and for always wearing baseball clothes to bars after games.
- Calling for the Moose award: Darren McKellep - for throwing up hungover before the Bergen games. Right next to the field.
Congratz to all the winners!!