Oslo Pretenders Hall of Fame Eligibility
- A Pretender Hall of Famer: Former Pretenders players who have been active some time during a period of 10 years before and ending five years prior to election and have played in a minimum of 5 seasons or 75 games. Any player on Oslo Pretenders’ ineligible list is not an eligible candidate. In the event of death of an eligible candidate, the five-year waiting period shall be reduced to six months.
​​​​​​​​​​​Eligible candidates: All players who played in at least 5 Norwegian Baseball League seasons or 75 games for the Oslo Pretenders. The criteria are based on the individual's record, ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character and contribution to the Pretender Organization. Only the best of the best will be inducted into the Pretender Hall of Fame.
- Exception: If the eligible candidates for voting wish to add a candidate that does not fulfil the requirements, there needs to be a 2/3 in favour to the candidate from the P-board to add him/her as a candidate for that particular year.
An ​​​​​​​​​​​eligible candidates can only be eligible three times. If the candidate hasn't been elected after the third time, he/she can no longer be eligible unless the p-board nominates him/her again later.
Voting: Voting will continue to be based upon the individual's record, ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character and contribution to the Pretender Organization. There will be voted one former player every year to the Pretenders Hall of Fame. The exception was the first year in 2005 where two players got inducted.
Eligible candidates for voting: Every member of the Pretenders Board will get one vote each. The members of the Oslo Pretenders Hall of Fame will get one vote each. Exception: if a P-board member is also a member of the Hall of Fame, he will not get two votes. The rest of the active players in the club will all together have one vote.
How to vote: Every eligible candidate for voting will give three names to the voting, from 1-3. The name on top with no. 1 will get 3 points. The name on no. 2 will get two points and the name on no. 3 will get one point.